How do we journey together?

Communities are complex living organisms. Everything is in constant flow. People move in, around, and out of communities as attention, commitments, and contexts change. How do we support these moments of transition, both on the individual and collective level? And what pathways help people move through the community consciously?


Healthy communities honor transitional moments through ritualized activities that carry and deepen cultural memory. One way is to welcome new people with an initiation ritual, supporting them as they navigate the new environment. Another is to honor those leaving with a gratitude ritual. On a collective level, the community may need to regularly reinvent itself, coming into a conversation about what to keep or change as it continues to emerge and evolve. We are invited to continuously come back to the question: What does flourishing look like to our community?

Here are some resources for how to strengthen the Spiral:

Untitled Database

<aside> ✨ Do you have a powerful resource we could add to the list? Please add your suggestion here.


The Framework

The Fire

The Web

The Rhythm

The Circles

The Spiral

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